Treatment and reduction of scars with Cryotherapy / cryoablation

The method has indication to the application for keloid and hypertrophic scars of any location, in any age group, at any old scars. How to treat keloids monomethod gives a positive result in the non-recurrence of 51-74%. After the application of cryosurgery as monomethod relapses often occur in upper chest, back, earlobes, chin. It is better to treat hypertrophic scars: they require a short exposure (15-30 sec.) criocycles fewer and fewer repeat procedures (usually enough 3-4 procedures every 3-4 weeks). The mechanism of tissue damage caused by the defeat of cryogen microvasculature, loss of cytoplasm and organelles of cells caused by intracellular and intravascular formation of ice crystals. During thawing the cells increases the concentration of electrolytes, that during the second cooling tissues accompanied by further crystallization accelerating their death. As monomethod cryotherapy showed complete disappearance of keloids and hypertrophic scars with no recurrence at 51 and 74%, respectively. In combination with other methods of 76-90% after 30 months of observation.
During the treatment on the skin surface formed “frost” (Fig.1). After thawing, a swelling (edema) develops. The intensity of the edema depends on the area and depth of the treatment. A few hours later, a bladder develops in the cryotherapy area (Fig. 2). The contents of the bladder may be colored from straw yellow to red. To avoid infection, it is recommended not to open the bladder. Within a week, the bladder becomes a crust (Fig. 3). The crust fall on average after 2 weeks.
Fig.1. Frost

Fig.2. Blister

Fig.3. Crust

Fig.4. Keloid scar earlobe before and after cryotherapy